About acunow llc

Acunow LLC provides customized solutions for your health problems using acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, cupping and other healing techniques.

Our services treat a wide range of health concerns including pain, allergies, weight gain, addictions, musculoskeletal disorders, digestive ailments, infertility and gynecological problems.

Our services are designed to meet the needs of all clients in a very personalized way through personal attention, respect, and care.

how we can help you

Our acupuncture treatment and herbal therapy alleviate many conditions rapidly; however, chronic conditions can be relieved with steady progress.

A patient’s attitude, diet, determination, and lifestyle will affect the outcome of a treatment. Oriental medicine is also an educational process where the individual becomes the master of his or her own life and health.

We highly recommend that you come in for an initial consultation. You can ask any questions and meet your health practitioner Dr. Al Ahmad!


We are open and following CDC recommendations!

We recommend everyone to keep their immune system working at its best. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein helps the body stay healthy and maintain a strong immune system. Sleep is crucial, as it helps the body repair itself and also regulates our immune systems.

For a more detailed consultation regarding nutrition, specific herbs, and acupuncture focused on immune system and respiratory health, to keep the body in the best condition to be able to fight Covid-19…

Please call 214.228.4445 or Email:

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or have been in contact with anyone presenting these symptoms, please call to postpone your appointment:

  • Fever

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Dry Cough

  • Runny Nose

  • Sore Throat

Please contact a primary care physician and refrain from acupuncture treatment until all symptoms have disappeared for at least 3-7 days.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Preventive Medicine Saves Money

While leading a health-conscious lifestyle seems more expensive in the present, everyday prevention still beats spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on hospital charges. After all, it is easier to prevent than cure. Complimentary medicine such as acupuncture can serve as a cost-efficient way to prevent onset or further development of a wide variety of health issues such as arthritis, muscle pain, headaches, immune system problems, infertility, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Click here to find out more about how prevention can save money.