Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.
— Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu

Weekly Schedules

Please review these schedules below to stay on track with the program. We recommend following the learning modules, recipes, and readings to help you learn more about your health and help you achieve your weight loss goals. You can find all of the materials further down on this page.

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Food Journal Checklist

We recommend submitting this checklist at the end of each day to keep track of your food intake. You can also print out the pdf below to write out your checklist instead!

Goal: Lose between 0.5 lb to 1 lb/week (3 lbs to 4lbs/month). *While we recommend following this weight loss goal, we do not want to limit you. If you feel you are capable of losing more lbs per week without compromising your health, we will work with you.

Use this checklist to track your calorie each day and for every meal!

Learning Modules:

With these Learning Modules, you will learn nutritional information, new recipes, grocery lists, and ways to accomplish your weight loss goals. The quizzes in this program, are just to help you absorb the nutritional information provided and to help you improve your overall health and well-being!

Oh, also…each time you make an 80% or higher on a quiz or email a picture of a module recipe you tried to healthwellness.acunow@gmail.com, your name will be entered into a raffle to win an Acunow prize, so good luck!


Personal Coaching Session Sign-up

Please use this form to sign up for your personal coaching session with Dr. Ahmad, after completing Learning Module 2. You cannot sign up for a Personal Coaching Session without completing the Initial Assessment, Ayurvedic Health Analysis, and the Chinese Medicine Evaluation. If you do not receive a response after submitting this form, please email healthwellness.acunow@gmail.com for assistance.