Health & wellness program
start your journey of good health & well-being
This program is designed to help you feel confident about your daily lifestyle habits and how you treat your body and mind. We will help grow your awareness of your physical, mental, and social well-being. You will find a program outline and more details as you scroll down this page, and you can read more to find the right concentration for you! To find out pricing details. click here.
Our goal:
We want to make being healthy possible and affordable. We will be guiding you to alter any unhealthy habits you have with the combination of regular diet, exercise, and relaxation using Oriental, Ayurvedic, and Complimentary western medicine practices.
Health & Wellness Concentrations
Weight Loss & Health Concentration
Weight loss can not only make you feel good, but it can prevent chronic diseases and other health concerns. Using balance, calorie control, nutrient density, moderation, and variety, you will discover new recipes, exercises, and relaxation techniques that are convenient and affordable to integrate into your everyday life.
This concentration will include your program guidelines, daily food journal checklists, weekly schedules with reading materials, and personal coaching sessions with Dr. Ahmad. You will also have access to our Health & Wellness Blog with lots of video cooking tutorials, grocery lists, recipes, exercise/stretching recommendations, and motivational advice to help you maintain your weight loss goals.
anti-aging & Auto-Immune Care
Chronic diseases and other conditions may seem inevitable as we age, but maintaining a strong immune system may alter this fact. Many of our everyday activities have both immediate and long-term effects on our health and this program can help you be more mindful of how you could be negatively affecting your body inside and out.
This concentration will include program guidelines, food journal checklists, weekly schedules with reading materials, and personal coaching sessions with Dr. Ahmad. You will also have access to our Health & Wellness Blog with lots of video cooking tutorials, grocery lists, anti-aging recipes, exercise/stretching recommendations, and motivational advice to help you maintain your overall health and well-being.
Disclaimer: This program is for Nutritional Education and is not designed to treat or cure any medical conditions. Results will vary depending on the individual. Before beginning any weight loss, exercise, or training program, please seek advice with your physician/medical professional. Please do not eat/drink anything in these programs that you are allergic or sensitive to. If you are unsure what your sensitivities are, please consult your physician before beginning the program.
program outline
Our Health Wellness program includes two styles of coaching, Digital and Acupuncture (half in-person), and both are designed to help you learn how to develop a healthy lifestyle and manage any health concerns.
Our Digital Program provides all the learning materials you will need to be able to accomplish your health goals at home. Our Acu-Treatment Program combines all of the digital learning materials with acupuncture and herbal therapy to help assist you in improving your health, both mentally and physically.
If you are happy with the progress you see, we encourage you to continue this program to better your overall well-being. It is recommended that you take advantage of all of the techniques provided to see the results you desire.
Program Guidelines:
You will receive your program guidelines when you purchase your package, which includes the login process to access all of your digital materials here at, and more information on how the program will work and how to establish your health goals.
Health Assessments:
An initial assessment of your current health combined with our Chinese and Ayurvedic analyses, will help us identify the right diet, exercise, relaxation techniques, and herbal therapy that best support your needs.
Food Journal Checklists:
To track you progress, you will have a checklist to input: foods/drinks you had, amount of exercise you have done, supplements you are using, and your overall health status. However often you decide to fill out these checklists will ultimately give you more insight on how well you are doing, so it is important to take advantage of our improvement tracking system!
Weekly Schedules and Learning Modules w/ Reading Materials:
You will be guided through our program by a schedule each week, with readings on health psychology, nutrition, alternative medicine/therapy, and more to help you develop a long-lasting healthy lifestyle.
Personal Coaching Sessions:
Dr. Ahmad will be providing his professional advice/tips and answer any questions you might have through either a phone call, email, or in-person session.
These personal coaching sessions will include an evaluation of your assessments, checklists, and advice on any aspects of the process you could focus more on, depending on your results. If necessary, Dr. Ahmad will provide an herbal supplement recommendation based on your personal needs.
Additional Nutritional Information:
To help you maintain your progress, we will be providing you with:
-Grocery lists and food/drink recommendations to promote further improvements
-Cooking tutorial videos with concentration-related recipes
-Exercise/Stretch recommendations & Supplement recommendations
-Acupuncture & Ayurvedic/Oriental techniques recommended by Dr. Ahmad
Please take the Wellness Program Survey below to help us design this best program for you.