Ginger I Cinnamon I Honey

Ginger, cinnamon, and honey can do wonders for your health and they are also very delicious!


Bring 3 cups of water to a boil

Put 1-2 inches of sliced fresh ginger root and a 1/4 of a rolled stick of cinnamon in the boiling water

Once the entire mixture is boiling, inhale the steam it produces to help with cold or allergy symptoms. Then reduce the heat and let the tea simmer for about 10 minutes.

Before drinking your tea, you can stir in a tsp of honey and you can enjoy this twice a day after your meals.

Ginger…boosts your immune system, prevents allergies, sinusitis, colds and all sorts of pain because it contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Cinnamon…is loaded with antioxidants, which can help prevent aging. Like ginger, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon could prevent heart disease because it lowers blood sugar levels and has an anti-diabetic effect. Not only can it prevent heart diseases, but it also helps fight bacterial and fungal infections.

Honeyif it is high-quality, contains antioxidants, which can help lower blood pressure. It is also a better alternative than sugar for diabetics. Honey can improve cholesterol and lower triglycerides. It can also help suppress coughs and tastes good!

If you are feeling under the weather or are just trying to take preventative measures, try this tea recipe!

RemediesAcunow LLC