Mind-Body Tune-Up

For only $35, Dr. Ahmad uses specific acupuncture points to optimize organ functions, including: heart, lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas, intestines, uterus & ovaries, and nervous system. This one-time session is called the Mind-Body Tune-Up.

The acupuncture points chosen for the Tune-Up not only provide benefits to these organ functions, but it helps bring the body to optimum health!


-stimulates brain function, calms nerves, increases circulation, and detoxifies the body

-helps with relaxation, immune system, and balances hormones

This type of session is for a one-time purpose and does NOT serve to treat specific symptoms or issues. It is only to optimize and benefit the organ functions mentioned above, and to relax the body to its full potential.

If you are interested in the Tune-Up Experience, fill out this form below to set up an appointment with Dr. Ahmad.


Mind-Body Tune-Up Experience Sign-Up

acupunctureAcunow LLC